Training session

Training session for population managers and gene bank users

20 novembre 2019

AgroParisTech, 19 av. du Maine, 75015 Paris

Using gene bank material for livestock populations: case studies and optimization using the MoBPS software

Jointly organized by the IMAGE Consortium and AgroParisTech
No tuition fees; maximum number of participants: 30; deadline for registration: November 10, 2019
The training session will then comprise two parts :

1) Presentation of real situations where cryopreserved material from a gene bank was used in live populations: why, how, what results, what questions?

• Speakers: Staff of Idele, IFIP and INRA (France).

2) Introduction to and use of the MoBPS software, develop to simulate and compare different breeding scenarios including the use of cryopreserved material. This part will mainly consist of practicals. Participants are invited to come with data from their own case study, to be tested with the software, but this is not a pre-requisit.

• Speakers: Henner Simianer and Torsten Pook, University of Göttingen (Germany).


Date de création : 28 août 2023