Training courses

Training courses

Education and training dedicated to optimal management of genetic resources

CRB-Anim is involved in teaching courses on the optimal management of genetic resources at undergraduate level. The following topics are also included: animal genetics, physiology and biotechnology in animal reproduction.

Training courses are also offered as part of continuing education for professionals.

CRB-Anim members are regular contributors to the 'Biobanking' Masters courses at ESTBB in Lyon and the Université Côte d'Azur.

Training courses can be organized on request. Send your request to "contact-crb-anim(at)".

In this folder

In 2021, FAO developed guidelines on Innovations in Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources. The guidelines were prepared by an international team of scientists and genebank managers, many of whom were partners in the EU Horizon 2020 Innovative Management of Animal Genetic Resources (IMAGE) project. View replays and presentations from the FAO webinar series on cryopreservation of animal genetic resources organized in cooperation with the Nordic Genetic Resources Center.
CRB-Anim is organising in 2022 a series of 5 open webinars on genetic and biological resources in the frame of the PHC ‘CHIC’ bilateral exchange programme with Suranaree University in Thailand. Topics will address (1) Diversity of Biological Resources (2) Quality management (3) Legal Issues (4) Databases (5) Role of Biological Resource Centers.

20 November 2019

AgroParisTech, 19 av. du Maine, 75015 Paris

Training session for population managers and gene bank users

Using gene bank material for livestock populations: case studies and optimization using the MoBPS software

09 December 2019

Wageningen Campus

Course genomic diversity in Wageningen

Characterization, management and exploitation of genomic diversity in animals

Modification date: 19 December 2023 | Publication date: 24 September 2019 | By: CRB-Anim - Edition P. Huan