
The network is governed by a Governing Board (GB), which makes decisions, and a Scientific Board (SB), which is consultative.

The link between the Scientific Council and the socio-economic sectors is ensured by eight Species Groups, which bring together scientific experts from different disciplines (genetics, physiology, pathology) and representatives of the sectors concerned (ruminants, equines, pigs, rabbits, carnivores, poultry, fish and molluscs, bees).

An International Advisory Board (IAB) brings together foreign scientists and BRC managers.

Each BRC has a steering and utilization committee, and refers to the BRC-Anim SC and species groups as necessary.

The GIS project currently in preparation retains the CG bodies as Conseil de Groupement, CS and Groupes Espèces, and also specifies the roles of the GIS Presidency and Executive Secretariat.

Modification date: 02 October 2023 | Publication date: 24 April 2013 | By: P. Huan